Tuesday, March 19

Printer's Error Number or Typo-Error Number

Did you know this or heard anywhere :

Printer's Error Number or Typo-Error Number :

Generally we do lot of mistakes in typing, even maths do this too but correct itself. 

Printer's Error Number or Typo-Error Number are number even if you error in typing you would get same value... INTERESTING :)

In this generally we add exponential(power) and multiplication function in between digits (LHS=>RHS in example) or forget to raise power and put multiplications sign (RHS=>LHS in example)


34425 = 3^4*425 
312325 = 31^2*325
492205 = 49^2*205

There are many more.

Thanks Ms. Yashita Jha for sharing smallest such number in decimal base.

To check her number : https://www.facebook.com/MathsByAmiya/posts/528026533916134

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