Saturday, March 9

General concept of Last Digit

How to find last digit of A^B

Step I : Find B mod 4* (or remainder by 4*) [say R=0**,1,2,3]

Step II : Write the last digit of base [say L]

Step III: Solve L^R 

[**Note: If R=0, put R=4 instead of 0, or For Odd base direct answer is 1, and for even it's 6]

Step IV : The last digit of L^R is your required last digit.

e.g : Find the last digit of 1234567^55555555

Step I : 55555555 mod 4 = 3 [easy just check for last two digits]

Step II: 7

Step III : 7^3 =343

Step IV : Required Answer = 3

*Last digit is nothing but remainder by 10. The cyclicity of 10 is 4

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