Friday, March 8

Mythological Facts

1 According to classical mythology, who was the first mortal woman? 
- Pandora
2 According to legend, who fired the arrow that hit Achilles in the heel, his only vulnerable spot? 
- Paris
3 According to Mahabharata, who did the commentry for Dhrithrashtra during war? 
- Sanjay
4 According to Ramayana who was the architect behind Ram-Setu? 
- Nal-Neel
5 According to the Puranas, how many heads did Brahma have before Shiva plucked one out? 
- Five
6 Bhishm Pitamah was the son of? 
- Ganga
7 How many avatars of Vishnu are believed to have come down to Earth so far? 
- Nine

8 How many days did the battle of Mahabharat last? 
- 18 days
9 How many legs do the Hindu gods Agni and Kuber have?
- Three
10 How many years did Ulysses wander after the siege of Troy?
- 20 years

11 How was Krishna related to Kunti? 
- Nephew

12 In ancient Athens, what tree was considered sacred --with all its fruit belonging to the state, and death the penalty for anyone caught cutting one down? 
- The olive tree

13 In Greek mythology, who was the goddess of the rainbow? 
- Iris

14 In Hindu mytholgoy, which kingdom did Kamsa rule? 
- Mathura

15 In the epic Mahabharata, who is called Dharmaputra? 
- Yudhishtira

16 In the epic Ramayana, with which weapon did Rama finally kill Ravana? 
- Prasvapna

17 In the epic, Ramayana, Rama asks Hanuman to fetch him a medicinal herb that grew in the Himalayas. What was its name? 
- Sanjivini

18 What creature is associated with Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom? 
- The owl
20 What kind of fruit were the apples of Greek mythology? 
- Golden apricots
21 What was the name of the ‘prophets of doom in Trojan myth’? 
- Cassandra

22 What was the name of the fabled lost kingdom? 
- Atlantis
23 What was the name of Bhim's son? 
- Ghatothkach
24 Who is the wife of Brahma, and mother to the first man, Manu? 
- Sarasvati
25 Who was Hanuman's father ? 
- Pawan
26 Who was killed by the evil-minded Loki in Norse mythology? 
- Balder
27 Who was Laxman's wife? 
- Urmila
28 Who was the ancient Greek god of dreams? 
- Morpheus
29 Who was the Latin Goddess of Peace? 
- Pax
30 Who was the son of King Bali? 
- Angad
31 Who was the wife of Lord Krishna?? 
- Rukmini
Note: This is not complied by 3E LEARNING, Got this from An Excel File Link to download:

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