Sunday, April 21

R.I.P. Human computer & Great Mathematician Shakuntala Devi

She found a slot in the Guiness Book of World Record for her outstanding ability and wrote numerous books like Fun with Numbers, Astrology for You, Puzzles to Puzzle You, and Mathablit. She had the ability to tell the day of the week of any given date in the last century in a jiffy.

In 1977, Ms. Devi extracted the 23rd root of a 201-digit number mentally.

On June 18, 1980 she demonstrated the multiplication of two 13-digit numbers 7,686,369,774,870 x 2,465,099,745,779 picked at random by the Computer Department of Imperial College, London. She answered the question in 28 seconds.

Ms. Shakuntala Devi died at 83 which is a prime number. On 21.04.2013. Sum of digits, 13. Again a Prime number. Numbers rule. Numbers live.
By: Arpit Vaishnavi

Via: The Hindu

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